Thursday, March 27, 2014


Why is it that the books that we have read from the beginning of the year all center around the theme of  truth and enlightenment. Frankenstein, Winesburg, Ohio, Grendel, Age of Innocence, Hamlet, and Invisible Man all deal with the importance of truth. This commonality also elongates to how the truth is unobtainable even with the greatest desire. All the characters in these mentioned novels were never able to find the whole truth or satisfied. However, what is it about truths that make authors ponder on and on about how to obtain it but in the end the futility is always realized. But why don't or couldn't these authors write about the struggles of overcoming an obstacle in their lives or a rewarding experience? What makes the concept of truth so compelling that it causes so many authors to write about that? It seems clear to me after reading these books that one cannot obtain truth or find an absolute identity. Then why write about truth? It's just amazing to see the works of these authors in their distinct creativeness, narration, and points of emphasis. Even if the end of the book suggests the impossibility of finding the truth, the journey that is described is so intricate, meaningful, and beautiful and most importantly unique in every piece of literature we read together. I suppose the reason I am writing about its is because the school year is coming to an end, and I wished to reflect on the year. I wasn't able to receive a package from the colleges that I applied to that started out with the word 'congratulations', except UGA and GT. The past week has been rough because I couldn't stop thinking about why I worked so hard and so tirelessly if I couldn't even make it in to these top twenty colleges. The self doubt, frustration, and anger surmounted until I couldn't take it anymore. Then I thought about 'what's the point' and saw a Grendel in me that I never thought I possessed. Of course, people try to comfort me and say college doesn't determine everything and  that the colleges made a mistake of not choosing me, but in the end, the situation doesn't change. I didn't make it in and now I feel lost. The what ifs come in multitudes and consume my mind. Sorry for ranting... And now back to AP Lit, conclusion: It is amazing how different authors with unique ideas share the similarity of writing about truth..

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